Who is the Juicy Lab for?

All people who want to research intimacy and the questions associated with it.

The Lab is open to people in all types of relationships and regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

The lab is an explicit invitation to all those who do not find themselves in the cis-mono-hetero-binary-patriarchal-normative (love) life or who want to critically engage with it.

Our focus is on strengthening the queer* community.


There will be retreats and contact persons at the event. Nevertheless, in our experience, good friends on site are a valuable and relaxing baseline that contribute to the development of a network of trust within the event community. We therefore recommend that you register together with at least one person who has the quality of a “safe harbour” for you.

If you are in one or more partnerships or commitments and would like to come to the Juicy Lab with or without your partner/relationship partners, we ask that you discuss your desires, limits and possibilities in an understanding way beforehand. You should be aware that you will potentially meet other (partially or completely naked) people on site who are likely to radiate and/or act out sexuality/ liveliness/ juicyness.

Alle Menschen die an Intimität und den damit verbundenen Fragen forschen wollen. 

Das Lab ist offen für Menschen in allen Beziehungsformen und unabhängig von der sexuellen Orientierung und geschlechtlichen Identitäten.

Das Lab ist eine explizite Einladung an alle die sich nicht im cis-mono-hetero-binär-patriachal-normativem (Liebes)leben wiederfinden ODER sich kritisch damit auseinandersetzen wollen.

Unser Fokus liegt auf der Stärkung der Queeren* Community.

Es wird auf der Veranstaltung Rückzugsmöglichkeiten und Ansprechpersonen geben. Trotzdem sind gute Freund*innen vor Ort unserer Erfahrung nach eine wertvolle und entspannende Baseline, die zum Entstehen eines Netzwerk des Vertrauens innerhalb der Event-Gemeinschaft beitragen. Deswegen empfehlen wir, dass du dich gemeinsam mit mindestens einem Mensch anmeldest, der die Qualität eines “sicheren Hafens” für dich hat. 

We would also like to invite you to challenge any preconceptions you may have about what you need to be like to participate in this event:

Should you be free of jealousy, sexually outgoing or always open to contact? Pff, we ourselves are far away from that! But do you feel alive at the thought of coming to Juicy Lab, are you curious to explore the topics mentioned? Then take all that, your fears, your reluctance, your caution, your boundaries etc. with you and get involved with the event community and yourself at this point.


Oh, and we love the queer* community for their looks and outfits, but what you definitely do NOT have to do is represent a certain style. Wear what makes you feel comfortable, maybe it’s colourful & flashy & sexy, maybe it’s functional or something completely different. Maybe you feel like trying out different outfits with the community wardrobe and maybe you walk around the grounds in your jogging bottoms all day. All welcome 😉


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