Exploring layers of intimacy
Wednesday, 28.08.2024 - Sunday, 01.09.2024
Juicy Lab is a queerfeminist contact, body, and art-positive lab.
Juicy – as a living, flowing, perceptive being.
Sensing the beauty – the juicyness – of life and being in the body
Tender, somatic, diverse.
Attention please: The Juicy Lab is also a “sex-positive” festival. We understand this to mean allowing our otherwise often excluded sexual existence to be included and celebrating all forms of consensual sexuality as well as all body shapes, characteristics and preferences. We want to place the DIVERSITY of contact and intimacy at the centre and allow sexuality to take its own momentary place and expression. There will be programme points within recognisable frameworks for possible sexual interaction within the group or with oneself. Nudity and sexuality are invited on a voluntary basis, never as a “must”. It is neither guaranteed nor required that participants engage in sexual activity.
Here & Now: Would you like to not only read this invitation on a screen, but also perceive yourself as a sensual being? Your feet, your belly, your breathing, perhaps listening to your body with fascination for a moment – what does this invitation evoke in you?
An invitation to research
The Juicy Lab 2024 focuses on intimacy.
This year, we will explore, discover, create, reflect and criticise what intimacy (does not) mean to us. Layer by layer.
The self-determined expression of physical, emotional and mental intimacy is a central basic human need. Physical intimacy can include touch and sexual activity. Emotional intimacy refers to the sharing of feelings and experiences. Mental intimacy addresses mutual support and encouragement. In the (patriarchal) power system, intimate (self-) expression is discriminated and tabooed. Violence and border crossings occur on a daily basis and power and discrimination relationships also have an effect on intimate contact. One consequence is alienation from one’s own body and emotions. This culture individualises, both in the way we view problems and in the search for solutions.
From touch to pain, hold and emotional flow, witnessing and strengthening ourselves, enjoying each other in community.
We want to explore what intimacy means for us individually and collectively.

Do you also want to reclaim intimacy, beauty and creativity as a superpower in a capitalist – patriarchal society?
We believe in a necessary cultural revolution in which our body (perception) is an essential source of transformation, activism and social justice.
This requires courage. Courage to fail, to question, to be uncomfortable. We no longer want to preserve assumed safety and simplicity at the expense of suppressing our liveliness, of white-cis-binary-hetero-mono-normative, anti-body ideas and concepts. We also believe that no one is NOT suffering from the resulting separation. Patriarchal, (post)colonial, capitalist power structures have a concrete, tangible impact on our bodies, language, relationships, our living expression and possibilities for action.
What else do we need? Slowness, rest and relaxation are also superpowers!
A need that is unfortunately all too often neglected in our society and difficult to perceive at such events, but which is nevertheless very dazzling and intimate on the inside:
the joy of being/staying with yourself
As an antithesis to FOMO comes JOMO – Joy of Missing out, which was also part of our motto last year. It was really touching to see how many people were inspired and enriched by it.
Why is this important especially in such spaces? Because we believe that the most beautiful and valuable experiences arise from relaxation and without pressure and in contact with oneself. (see also programme)
Feel it? Then Juicy-Lab is the right place for you!
Share it & Spread it (and before, get tested)
In order to generate a trusting and at the same time free container, our experience shows that invitations via friends’ networks work well. It is therefore encouraged to forward the invitation to people you know, like and who could be interested in such exploration. At the same time, check in with each other about what you need to be at the event together (see Community).
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If you are interested >join our Telegram channel here<. (If you don’t have Telegram or prefer to stay up to date by email, you can also send us an expression of interest email:
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If you have any questions, suggestions or criticism, please send us an email to
Juicy Greetings
Zuzu, Lucy & Ananda